China has put in place the most rigorous COVID-19 prevention and control measures for this year's national college entrance exam, the Ministry of Education said. There will be at least three isolated test rooms at each test site, available for candidates who exhibit symptoms of fever and cough during the exam. Around 10.71 million candidates registered for this year's exam, up by 400,000 from a year earlier, the ministry said.
普通高等學校招生全國統一考試,簡稱“高考”,是中華人民共和國(不包括香港特別行政區、澳門特別行政區和臺灣省)合格的高中畢業生或具有同等學力的考生參加的選拔性考試。普通高等學校根據考生成績,按已確定的招生計劃,德、智、體全面衡量,擇優錄取。高考由教育部統一組織調度,教育部考試中心或實行自主命題的省級教育考試院命制試題。2003年起高考時間固定安排在每年6月7、8、9日。2020年,受新冠肺炎疫情影響,全國普通高等學校招生統一考試時間推遲至2020年7月7日至8日 ,部分省(區、市)由于考試科目設置不同,9日、10日也安排了部分考試科目。全國各地設置考場40萬個,安排監考及考務人員94.5萬人。
A thriving education makes a thriving country, while a powerful education makes a powerful country. The development level of higher education is an important indicator of a country's development progress and potential.
During one's growth and endeavor, the young may gain success and joy, but may also face difficulties and pressure. One should treat the success and failure at the moment with a correct attitude, not slack in prosperity and not lose faith in adversity. One should consider both the success and failure as wealth in life instead of burdens.
order and fairness of exams
all-round education
independent admission